Tube amp for KEF Reference 3s

Hi Everyone,

  Long time Audiogoner but this is my first post here.  I am looking for some suggestions regarding amplification for my KEF Reference 3s.  Currently I have a Modwright KWI 200 with built-in DAC which I like a lot, but wonder if the KEFs would benefit from a high-quality tube amp.  I would like to go for a high-end amp like a VAC or Air Tight but would prefer "testing the waters" first by trying a tube amp in my system.  I primarily listen to Tidal streamed through a Audalic Aries into the Modwright and analog through a VPI Traveler/Musical Surroundings Nova II.  I have a small listing area (my office) which is approximately 12 x 16 and I have some GIK acoustic panels in the corners and along my back wall.  If anyone has suggestions as to a "low-priced" tube amp that might give the KEFs a somewhat warmer sound I'd be willing to purchase used and then move up the chain to a higher-end amp if things work out.  Thanks in advance for your advice.

I think KEF ref in general sounds better with SS amps VS tubes.
It will not occur to me tubes with them.
I am getting into the ref 3 soon. Ill use my H30. Second to none. Just my opinion.
I really like the Leben cs600.  I heard them with a few pairs of Devores and Harbeths speakers and they sounded great.  I owned the Rogue Cronus Magnum 2 which sounded great in that price range.  What's your price range? 
Thanks  nycjlee.  It is interesting that the dealer from whom I purchased the Ref 3s thought that tube amps are a better match for the KEFs, but he sells VAC so perhaps in that price range he is correct.  I have always been a SS guy mostly out of convenience but thought that the KEFs, given their neutral tone, might benefit from tubes.  

My price range fortunately is not limited, but before I delve into an expensive amp (SS or tube) north of 10k I thought a less expensive trial of a tube amp with a new DAC (my Modwright has the built-in DAC) made sense.  For now I'd like to keep it in the 2-3k range new or used.
I originally used a SS amp (Mark Levinson 23.5) with my Ref 5s but, like you, wanted to try tubes due to the nature of the KEF sound and wanting to evoke those lush mids that I like so much. I was concerned that I would lose some of the bottom end with tubes, especially since the Ref 5s aren’t exactly bass monsters.

My concerns were unfounded though. While I don’t consider the MC275 to be a high-end tube amp as compared to the VAC or Air Tight, but it really has a nice grip on the bass and it is as deep, fast and tight as with the 23.5 (I use a combination of Gold Lion and Mullard NOS tubes and a Clarus Crimson HC power cord which helps). I was so pleased with the result that I now have an all tube system (amp, preamp, phono and even headphone amp) and find the music to sound natural and very organic without being fatiguing.