Power conditioner

Can I have recommendation for suitable power conditioners or power distribution strips for Burmester components since their basic level power conditioner model has been discontinued and forced to look elsewhere.
Audience. The box actually has very high quality parts in it and is just fine plugging your high powered amp into. Provides great transparency with no grain. Zero roll off on top end. FWIW. 

I've decided to sell my Synergistic Powercell 10 mkII as I am going with isolated circuits for the audio system.  Not sure what I may use at the box, but I want the extra box out of my room, lol.  
@ctsooner -- please hold off on selling your Powercell until after you have had the circuits installed and have a chance to listen with/without. The two are not mutually exclusive and I would consider both dedicated lines and suitable power conditioning as a must. I say this having used balanced power (EquiTech) and now a Torus based system for my main dedicated lines, and then using a variety of different manufacturers conditioners in addition -- all to the benefit
Ultimately we listen to manipulated power. That said, you might want to let your very high quality power transformers do the job of handing off the power they were engineered  to pass on to the rest of the circuitry in your fine gear.
Sorry guys, I just saw responses.  I am selling the SR unit.  I am going a different route and doing a dedicated set of lines the commercial way, through conduits.  That separates each line and works best.  I'm doubling up on identical length 14/3 cables and using the Audioquest outlets.  I'll have one behind the rack and one behind each speaker.  The new Vandersteen Quatro's will plug into the outlet's behind them and the AQ Niagara 1000 will plug into the one behind the rack. The Ayre AX5/20 integrated will go directly into the wall outlet.  Digital, TV etc...will be in the Niagara. I"ve heard this set up in a few places and it was awesome.  The SR is a great great unit, but I down sized and have no room for it.  My loss will be someone's gain.

I'll be posting it in a few along with my analog gear as I can't do it anymore with the MS.  Too much getting up and down.  Sunday I realized those days are over.  Can't wait to get the electrician over to put spotlights above the speakers as they glisten in their painted , cut and buffed Audi Havana Black.  So beautiful my wife even loves the look ;).