Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?


I counted myself amongst the haters, till I heard them with what I consider, good matching amps. They tend to be matched with SS Amps and with one exception, I hate the sound with that combination. The exception?  D'Agostino amps, which with a pair of Alexias, produced a sound that was one of the best I have heard.

 Returning to reality, a combination which is at least in theory, affordable,  Wilson with Tubes, particularly Audio Research, sound great, IMHO. Recently I heard Sabrina's with an ARC Ref 75/LS27 combo and it was very fine indeed. I couldn't afford it, but it is, by modern standards, affordable to some.

My client of the Sasha played with the Ref 75SE and Momentum stereo poweramp. Both missed different parts of Tru-Fi

People have to learn that diversity in sound is the most important part to create emotion during listening to music.

For example a Pass labs poweramp is a lot better in diversity in sound compared to the Momentum stereo poweramp. The Momentum also misses layers in the lowest freq. range. It also is not able to double the power when you go from 8ohm to 4ohm. The Pass creates a deeper and more controlled low freq with even more layers. In the mid freq. the layering is of a whole different quality compared to the Momentum.

The funny thing is that in audio magazines you will never find a shootout between Pass labs and D’ Agostino amps. This is what I would like to see.

The Ref 75SE sounded more relaxt, but diversity in sound is something different than a pleasant sound. When we played the same music at my system with a Pass Labs poweramp the level of resolution and layers in the whole frequency range was superior.
I wouldn't characterize myself as a Wilson hater, more of a don't carer.
In our world audio is all about the best quality in each price range. In our world products and brands which are less good does not add anything to be there.

When a new brand comes and it is better than what we sell and use, it becomes the product to replace the other one. 

I don't hate Wilson, if I were Wilson I would change many parts to create a superior level in performance for the price they cost.

A new tweeter technique and faster drivers to start. I would make them a lot better looking as they look now. If Wilson would produce speakers which are by far the best for the money, I would be interested.

It is very simple; when you want the best for yourself, I would be stuppid not to want the best for your clients.

The biggest problem in audio is the low level of most products. Quality will always sell and the one to be chosen.
I'm not a 'hater' of any loudspeaker, how can one hate a speaker
or speaker company? However, although I respect there may many quality components 
in their speaker (board stock x,s,z etc), their claims of near perfection,when they can't even get their frequency response comparable to other high end speakers,would make me cringe-- if I was an official in the company. I would want to hide my head after seeing the smoothed and averaged response measurements provided by reputable,unbiased testers. It makes me wonder if they're
smokin something that brings them closer to (audio) heaven when they're measuring and listening?