Burn in time for a new CD transport?

Just purchased a new Camridge CXC transport for my headphone system and am wondering what the expected burn in time would be so as not to start trying different cables to dial it in before the unit has burned in?

Agree with Stereo5.  I bought the CXC about 9 months ago, and although I initially let it play on repeat for about 8 hours before first listening to it, I have not noticed any change thereafter.  A Synergistic black fuse and some Herbies Big Baby Booties *did* make some changes though....for the better. :)

I just got a CXC. (not delivered yet).
Is the fuse easy to access?
What's the [amperage] rating you replaced it with?
I've owned 3 CD transports and they required little break-in, probably more the cables (digital cable and PC) settling in.

For a fuse without external access, it's pretty easy to get to. There are 8 (IIRC) phillips head screws to remove to slide the cover off, and once that's removed there's another semi-rigid cover in the back right corner that's secured by a single screw.   Remove it, and the fuse is quite easy to get to in a standard clip-type fuse holder.  Mine uses a 5x20mm 2 amp slo-blo -- but I wouldn't order one until you get your unit and see what's inside.  If they made any changes since I bought mine, that value might be different.
I think in most (almost all) cases, the "state of mind" of the listener makes the biggest difference in the sound quality. It is a proven fact - data to be provided upon request, that mind altering drugs - legal or otherwise, can have the an impact equivalent to upgrading the entire system. YMMV.