Importance of Center Channel in small room

Listening to my friends HT system in his huge den, the center channel contribution is substantial.

Listening to my 2.1 in my 10 x 12 HT room, seems like center channel would be beneficial but optional.

Have any of you experimented with a center in a small HT room, determined how big was the impact?

One nice thing I think if I had center is that I could widen the front pair and create a wider soundstage.

Problems: with no center in your small (acoustically very difficut) room, you will have to sit smack dab in the middle of the room to get a Phantom center. If you don't, yo'll have dialogue collaps into one speaker - not connecting with your monitor/video immage. If you, on the otherhand, do sit in the middle of the room by yourself, you've now put yourself in a horrible acoustical spot in your room, yes! (that's where all the nasty peaks and dips in the frequency response is.)
In small 10 x 12'ish rooms, I'm alsmost always using two seat setup's, with the seats either in the 1/3 width and lenght dimmensions, or in the 1/3 width and 1/5th lenght dimmension (or, with smaller seats, maybe 2/5th and 3/5th width positions, depending).
These positions, in relation to proper speaker settings (in rectangular closed-in rooms), offer smoother frequency response, fundamentally.
So, if it were me, I'd give up on your center, so called, "sweet spot", and do dual seating arrangements - if it were me. And, I'd be DEFINITELY chosing a center speaker, yes.
Center channel is needed for off axis listening - especially far outside the sweetspot. If you sit in the sweetspot then you are actually better off without one of those horizontally mounted center channels under the screen.

Think about it - would you listen to stereo with one speaker turned upsside down => that is the equivalent effect of a center channel that sits two feet below the creates all kinds of problems...
As it has already been said, if you only watch alone and sit in the sweet spot, you can do without a center. If however, anyone joins you and sits to the right or left of you, as you keep the sweet spot to yourself, their experience, will not be as enjoyable as yours.
Yep, I'm thinking about these comments and others on avforum, videoasylum that I found after searching.... and some personal experiences too. I figure that center is optional in a small room unless you want to have the gang over. Center is not really optional in a large room.

Funny though some people on the other forums HATE center channels and always prefer phantom. I can see the appeal of it. To each his own I guess.

Funny though some people on the other forums HATE center channels and always prefer phantom.

Yes indeed - a large number of audio studio professionals do not like center channels - although not many will admit it, after all multi-channel mixing is all additional business to many of them. They mix with identical speakers all at the same height but many prefer the sound without a center - Chesky is a good example.

Remember that in order to move the location of a sound you need 10 DB extra fact our ears tend to place things in the soundstage mostly by time arrival. Therefore you don't need to sit in the sweetspot to get excellent imaging provided you are far enough back!

In a small room the geometry is inevitably going to be less forgiving.