MX160 Stereo performance vs c2600 / c1100 dedicated stereo preamp....

Due to space limitation, I can only do single component shelf instead of side by side. Therefore, if I place all components together, factor in cooling space, total height will likely over 70" tall! I am confident all of you agree that it's too high. I will need to move thing around or completely remove the preamp and using the processor as stereo preamp. Component list: -

Clearaudio Turntable
Mcintosh C1100-C
Mcintosh C1100-T
Oppo UDP-203
Mcintosh MX160
PS Audio P10

I am thinking of moving the c1100 preamp into bedroom and using the MX160 as preamp. The question is anyone had experience with MX160 on Stereo vs C2600 or C1100 dedicated stereo preamp?
I still don't get why you're willing to downgrade the performance from the current top preamp to an all in one for the same of a rack. This boggles my mind.

Youre asking our advice?  The better preamp is the better unit.
@ joey_v

I am not downgrading. I just move the C1100 to my bedroom if it really cannot fit in the rack while below the max height I want. Ideally, I want the C1100 to be in the main system but if I cannot make it physically to fit then I cannot. As mentioned, I am trying to achieve max height of 50" or absolutely stretch it to 55" height with the following components in single rack.

PS Audio P10 - I can swap to P5 to reduce 4.5"
Oppo UDP-203
Clearaudio Performance DC Turntable

With the cooling space, I just couldn't figure out a way. May be you guys have some way.
Put the P10 on the floor on a piece of butcher block or amp stand. Keep the C1100 and stack the Oppo&Sony if need be.