Matching an Amplifier to my Proac Response 2.5s + CJ PV5

I'm needing help/suggestions for finding a good amp to pair with two components: a Conrad PV5 tube preamp and my Proac Response 2.5s (rated at 86dB)

I've tried two amps: Bryston 3bst, which was way too bright for my taste, as well as an Assemblage ST40 (basic el34 40/watt), which is pretty good, but maybe lacking a little magic and detail.

Budget is under $2k...some amps that interest me in that budget are Pass Aleph 3 or 5, Music Reference RM9, CJ MV52 or Premier...

I listen mostly at low to medium volumes, and bass "slam" and extension is not a necessity. 

Big thanks!

Thanks for the replies everybody...

I guess I'm torn with how little wattage I can get away with for the 2.5s...

If you listen at low volumes you should be able to use an RM9. I owned the original back in the day and they’re lovely, lovely sounding amps. Or you cold go all CJ with something like this: