Tube amp for KEF Reference 3s

Hi Everyone,

  Long time Audiogoner but this is my first post here.  I am looking for some suggestions regarding amplification for my KEF Reference 3s.  Currently I have a Modwright KWI 200 with built-in DAC which I like a lot, but wonder if the KEFs would benefit from a high-quality tube amp.  I would like to go for a high-end amp like a VAC or Air Tight but would prefer "testing the waters" first by trying a tube amp in my system.  I primarily listen to Tidal streamed through a Audalic Aries into the Modwright and analog through a VPI Traveler/Musical Surroundings Nova II.  I have a small listing area (my office) which is approximately 12 x 16 and I have some GIK acoustic panels in the corners and along my back wall.  If anyone has suggestions as to a "low-priced" tube amp that might give the KEFs a somewhat warmer sound I'd be willing to purchase used and then move up the chain to a higher-end amp if things work out.  Thanks in advance for your advice.

If anyone has thoughts on the EAR amps that are currently on Agon, these might be options for me.  
" mb1audio02:  I would disagree with you in that while a Mustang may not be a Corvette (which is not a Porsche), both are sports cars such that at least you can get a feel for the ride!"

You get a feel for the car you drive. I'll agree with you on that. But I've owned all 3 of those brands, and it never even occurred to me that someone would actually disagree with my statement. You're not talking about a video game, are you?

As for audio, I doubt anyone will attempt to talk you out of listening to a different amp as a "close enough" demo for something else. This is how we get all of our equipment in brand new condition, at huge discounts. I know there's a couple of people here on AG that would like a really good deal on an EAR amp.
If, as I suspect, the KEF's are a low-impedance design, an amp particularly good at driving low-impedance speakers is the Music Reference RM200 Mk.2. Read the Stereophile review of it to see why. It is included in the Class A/Tube category in the Recommended Components list in the October issue of the mag.
Thanks bdp24.  My review of prior posts suggests the customer service from the owner/designer might not be optimal.  Anyone else have any experience with this tube amp or others that might be a good match for my KEFs?