Esoteric F-05 Integrated - any opinions?

I was wondering if anyone has heard the newly-released amp from Esoteric.  There does not seem to be any reviews on the internet (that I can find).
Ag insider logo xs@2xgreginnh
Hi Stan,

Thus far, I am totally enamored with the Esoteric.  I have about 50 hours on it.  I really can't find any shortcomings at all.  It is noticeably better than the Accuphase E-470 on all counts - especially the warmth which reminds me of my Class A gear I used to own.  It has plenty of power and all the features one could ask for.  Apparently much of the technology for this amp has trickled down from the Grandioso line.  There are lots of programming options as well (naming sources etc.).  Build quality is superb.   For those who are looking for a full featured integrated, with phono and headphone stages coupled with balance and tone controls, I cannot think of a better value today. I think that I can easily live with this integrated amp for years to come and resist my OCD tendencies to keep buying new gear.

Having owned a Luxman L-590AX, Accuphase E-470 and Gato AMP-150, I can say without reservation that the Esoteric F-05 betters any of these by quite a bit.  Since this is a relatively new piece of equipment, I am not aware of any reviews yet.  If you have a chance to audition this amp, please do - you will be very happy you did!

Hi greginnh,

Nice to hear that the Esoteric is settling in and meeting your expectations of 'sound quality'.

I was going to give the E470 a listen (having bought the Tuner) but the local sales dealer for Accuphase, on a normal basis does not keep it in stock (usually has the E2__ or E3__ ) and another sales dealer keeps the Esoteric line. However there is a better chance of getting the F-05 into stock from that dealer than having the other dealer getting the E-470 in for a listen; so it looks more positive of having to give the Esoteric an audition...... (both dealers are in opposite directions to where I live...40+ minutes in city traffic for the Esoteric; with 60+ odd minutes including 20 minutes on the expressway for the Accuphase)!  

Oddly enough though, the Accuphase dealer stocks Proac and Tannoy speakers, while the Esoteric dealer stocks Harbeth (.... and never the twain shall meet!). 

So you think 120 watts is enough to cover 'all contingencies'? Having an few extra watts under the belt/reserve has always been in the back of my mind. It's a pity the Esoteric is not a 180/200 watt into 8 ohms for extra 'head room'!....  (I may not really need it but it would be nice to have).    

The power supplies in the F-05 are substantial and efficient, doubling the size of most separate power amps with similar output ratings. Unless you plan on propelling a bus around the city with it I suspect lack of dynamics shouldn’t be much of a concern.
It doubles down on 4 ohms so I really don't think there would be a problem! My guess is that the specs are conservative as well.
This just in!