PS Audio BHK 300 mono VS Modwright KWA 150SE mono VS D'agostino Classic stereo

What would you consider the best option of these 3 to build a reference level system.
Any experience with these amps would be appreciated.
I'm also considering higher end gear but if budget does not allow i will stick to these 3 options.

scar972 very good description of the D'agostino Classic amp thanks very much, it will serve everyone considering this amp.
So with this amp it is wise to consider a good tube preamp like VAC or VTL.
I have no doubt the  D'agostino Classic Stereo Amp sounds excellent.  The Ken Kessler hi-fi news review compares the sound of the Classic Stereo favorably to (or, in the ballpark of) D'agostino's Momentum amp.

I observed the lab report in the hi-fi news review indicated the amp does not double power from 8 to 4 to 2 ohms.  There is plenty of power, no doubt, but it seems they may have played with the power specs a bit, i.e., underplaying the 8 ohm power to indicate a doubling into 4 ohms but, in fact, the results indicate the output is less than 600 wpc into 4 ohms, or about 150% of the output into 8 ohms.

The other thing I was curious about in looking at the pictures of the insides of the amp, was the absence of either big capacitors or lots of medium-sized capacitors.  There are four 6800uf storage caps mounted on each channel's board, and some smaller caps, but there appear to be like 16 output devices per channel so I am surprised there is not more capacitance provided.  It is possible there are other caps that I cannot see in the picture but it looks like there is a lot of empty space between the two boards and the associated heat sinks they are mounted to.

I guess I am used to the two huge (think 24oz Colt 45 tall-boy) capacitors in each of my Clayton monos (but that may not be a fair comparison since the Claytons are biased in Class A) or the 14 or so medium sized caps per side in my David Reich designed McCormack DNA-2 LAE.  Both of those amps are also rated at 300/600 wpc.

There is a dealer located near a city I travel to for work so if I get to hear the D'agostino Classic Stereo Amp I will report back.  If I were looking for similar power, it would be on my list to look at.
Good observations mitch2, let us know when you can make an audition.
I wonder how the D'agostino classic would do against the Karan KAS 600.
By the way i have decided that i will purchase a pair of Thiel CS 7.2 as soon as i find a pair for sale.
Therefore i have to take this into consideration for my amp selection.
Need an amp that will drive both 3.7s and 7.2s with ease and refinement.
The D'agostino classic amp would be a good starting point for some years until i can upgrade to the Momentum monoblocks.
If by any chance the Ypsilons can handle both of these speakers i would rather go the Ypsilon route.