Integrated Amp Suggestions for Dynaudio Contour 3.4LE

Just bought a floor model of these speakers at a good price. I currently have an NAD M3 Dual Mono integrated and would love to hear how I could do better. Any thoughts on what integrated would best pair with these speakers?

One other twist. I also own the Magnepan 1.7's. It would be great if I had an integrated amp that would sound great with both speakers. That may be a tall order and I am mainly concerned about driving the Dynaudios but just thought I would throw it out there.

Many thanks

Not sure about how it would do on the Dynaudios, but I have a set of Magnapan 1.7s that I'm now driving with a Rouge, Cronus Mag II and it sounds very nice. 
Good Luck,
Thanks cbrehm. Was thinking the cables needed upgrading.

jhills, do you run a subwoofer with the 1.7's? I also forgot to mention I have a Martin Logan sub. Been trying to get it dialed in with the Maggies

I would recommend listening to the Marantz PM-11S3 if you can find one before they are all gone. Very conservatively rated, in you price range, and can drive Dynaudios effortlessly while giving that sweet Marantz sound. I did a lot of A/Bing between the PM11s3 and the Hagel H300 and to me, hands down, the Marantz was the better of the two ymmv
Good luck with your search!

Hi bradf, 

I just picked up a Coda CSiB for $2799 (new $6000) over Christmas.

Most of the ones I found were in the $3200 to $4200 range used.

If you call Coda and talk to Doug he will work with you on the price of any demos they might have in stock.   

Very impressed with the sound it produces. I would give it a strong consideration. 

I wanted a Pass Labs x250.8 but with the money I saved and the quality of the sound the Coda is giving me I'm very happy with where I am.