Best Cable Match for: Creek 4330SE + Rega Apollo + Vandersteen 2C

Looking for recommendations on interconnects and speaker cable that will mate, blend, compliment, chemically-bond, or just sound perfect, with the combination of the following gear: 

Creek 4330SE Integrated Amp + Rega Apollo CD Player + Vandersteen 2C speakers.

I also have a Micromega Stage 3 CD Player I use at times. 

Current interconnects and cables are custom-made Mogami through I've had the Mogami's for a while now and they sound good on everything--including this current system. I'm just curious if there is anything I'm missing, and if there is anything better (or more ideal) with the pairing of this equipment? 

Hi All,

I did a speaker cable comparison and I would like to share my thoughts with you guys...

How does DH Labs favor vs. Audioquest? I just picked up a pair of DH Labs Q-10 speaker cable (older version) from a local audio friend of mine for $45. I had to re-terminate them, so I used my Cardas banana on the speaker side, and bare wire (for now) on the amp side.

Like I said, I’m currently using Mogami W3082 speaker cable and Mogami interconnects. I played a couple tracks to get a reference. I then swapped out the Mogami speaker cable and installed the Q-10. The first thing I noticed was that they were brighter than the Mogami’s. Not in a bad way, but in a more revealing way? Is that what PRESENCE is described as? Bass was tighter and perhaps deeper and more defined, but definitely tighter. Highs (i.e. cymbals) at first seems a little shrill, but the more and went back and forth between the mogami’s and Q-10’s, the more the shrillness went away. These Q-10’s are used cables and have been sitting for a while. Perhaps they just needed some "juice" to get them going again?

As I went back and forth between the two cables (Mogami W3082 vs Q-10’s), the Q-10’s seemed to sound better and better. Total listening time was about an hour or so. By the end of my testing, the best word to describe the difference between the two is that the Mogami’s now appear to sound "veiled" compared to the Q-10’s. Soundstage appeared to sound a little wider. Imaging was pretty much the same (didn’t really notice a difference). Another thing I noticed is how the music seemed closer to me and/or more "out of the speaker" if that makes any sense?

Time will tell if this is something that will last or not. I've been down that road before when you introduce a new piece into the stereo mix (and think it's great) then later your ears begin to tell you is not as great as you though. I’ve read that silver coated copper wires have a tendency to make the music sound brighter, so one will need darker equipment to compensate? The Vandersteen's are the more neutral speaker I have ever owned, so I wouldn't think they would be an issue. Same with the Creek integrated. Some have said (even Stereophile's article) that the Apollo cd player can have a slight brightness in the upper mids, but I haven't noticed anything. I will have to compare it to my Micromega Stage 3 to be sure.  

As for interconnects, I wonder how the matching DH Labs Air Matrix would sound with the rest of my gear?
I vote for Mogami Silver. They're lower cost vs. Mogami Gold, but sound much better.
Don't discredit Mogami -- they're the best you can get and the most neutral and true cables.
czarivey - I have used Mogami Gold for a decade . Never though to try the silver models . I assume you done a comparison of the two . Why do you feel the silver is better than the gold if i may ask .
My local dealer sent me home with a pair of Audioquest Rocket 88 last week. MSRP around $1300 . They were his personal wires he was selling so they are broken in . The highs to me are unlistenable . They will be going back . Another round to the Mogami . Taralabs , Nordost, Analysis plus ,have not been a improvement over Mogami in my system to date .