Unison Research S6 vs S9 vs Sinfonia

I am evaluating some higher powered SETs for my 93 db sensitive Tannoy Turnberry SE speakers. These Unison Research models are quite appealing. They all seem to have a healthy power output of 27 to 35 watts in pure class A single ended mode. I heard the smaller Preludio and I was very impressed with its rhythmic and lively presentation. Has anyone heard the bigger models, especially S6, S9 and Sinfonia ? Which of them would be the most dynamic all-rounder ? 

No mattam, I could not get much info on them. I am settling down on a pair of Audio Note Conquest Silver Signature SETs. Its 18 watts per channel and sounds very good with Turnberry
Thank you. We are placed in similar situation and have been searching and do you think AN will be the end of your journey. Can I know how much it cost and from where did you buy them.
mattam, SETs especially with very low feedback have a way of sounding very convincing musically. With 18 watts you can run out of juice if you listen to very dynamic music very loud (especially in a big room) but within the regular listening levels (and I listen to all kinds of music at relatively louder levels) I found them to be very realistic and dynamically correct. Whether end of the road or not I do not know because I would have loved to have a 35-40 watter to be able to play ruthlessly but that is not an option if I want to keep the "quality" of watts in tact within my budget. What I am confident about is this is going to be a long term purchase especially after listening to quite a few more-powerful push-pull options. The price of AN products can vary based on the region. My amp costs about $20k in Singapore.
Hi, we may not get DHT sound, but have you tried any KT150 amps. Also EL34 amps like Unison Research S6, Airtight ATM1. 
Hi mattam, I have tried both kt120 and kt150 but on push-pull designs. Among single ended designs which use non-DHT tubes, I have heard amps with EL84, Kt88 and 6550 tubes. To my ears it was very clear that Single ended designs clearly have a different presentation than push-pull amps (no matter whether tubes used were DHT or not). And that is where the fundamental preference comes in. I would like to have a single ended amp any day over a push-pull amp if I could get an amp that delivers adequate power to the speaker. So, if you are also considering single ended amps then look around for all the options (regardless of DHT or non-DHT tubes). Your Tannoys will love it.