If you're looking for made in USA and want quality and longevity with the bonus of resale value look into McIntosh. There are some available in your preferred description and price range and they will drive any load without strain. Made in Binghamton, NY. I've been through the factory tour and owned several of their components and they will compete on any level and you will never experience listener fatigue due to the fact they have mastered the dark art of transformer winding and they incorporate output autoformers.
If you're looking for made in USA and want quality and longevity with the bonus of resale value look into McIntosh. There are some available in your preferred description and price range and they will drive any load without strain. Made in Binghamton, NY. I've been through the factory tour and owned several of their components and they will compete on any level and you will never experience listener fatigue due to the fact they have mastered the dark art of transformer winding and they incorporate output autoformers.