Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Post removed 
We hew had a great day of music listening.  Attended the Dallas Symphony for a great Beethoven's 8th and a Straus Horn concerto featuring our first horn as soloist before leaving to assume first horn of the Berlin Philharmonic.
When we arrived home, CDs 5 and 6 were still playing on the McIntosh 7008, Duke Ellington at the Newport Jazz Festival.  My wife remarked that Ellington's music was so sweet, it was like listening to Aaron Neville; kind of makes you want to smile or cry.  I reminded her that I had told her of reviews (albeit for the 5 series, not the 2.4s) that said Thiels could make you cry.
After the second Ellington CD, it switched to the single slot in which I had placed Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here".
Certainly an eclectic mix, but my wife, after making the astute analogy of wonderful jazz and sweet voices made the remark that the Thiels make our whole music collection sound almost like being at a live performance, enhancing any kind of good music.
Janfant's "Happy Listening" remark made me feel I should share that we were doing just that.  It's not just any speakers that will thrill you after coming home from a world class performance in as great a concert hall as we have here in the Meyerson.

Dave i use an Audioquest USB cable.
I stream directly from Qobuz or use Jriver for the high res files that i buy from Qobuz.