Any Vandersteen 7 Owners in SFO Bay Area ?


There is no dealer in San Francisco Bay Area who carries Vandersteen 7.  I want to listen to them before i consider and upgrade and wondering if there is anyone in my area who can help me.  I own 5A Carbons and thinking of upgrading. 
The 5's would have been fine in my room.  I have plenty of friends who have small spaces and love their 5CT's.  Personally, I feel the Quatro's are the sweet spot in the Vandersteen line and I'm not made of money.  Iol.  

I rarely second guess my audio purchases as I'm so anal, that I put a ton of time and auditioning in before any purchase.  I know the Quatro's will sound outstanding with a built in crossover in my Ayre AX5/20.  I've heard the 5ct with the AX5/20 on a few occasions and it sounds great, but personally, I like it better on the Quatro's.  Again, I used my ears and not specs to figure that out, lol.  Bob, I really think you will love the Treo's with the amps you have.  :) pete
Congrats on getting your 7's !!!! That color is so cool !!!!

i was in Bruce's place in San Diego recently and heard his 7' in Red - they were sublime with Ref Recordings Symphonic Dances disc.

the chain: Delos , Bardo w tube power supply, Brinkmann arm , VTL pre and mono amps  180 SPC and Nordost cables.... sublime

Randy is great and of course really knows how to get most out of an ARC and Vandersteen pairing

Sorry the VTL are 180 wpc 
there were also two towers of Shunyata power conditioners.

i also listened to Diana Krall live in Paris - a disc I am hyper familiar with - I would say my digital front end system can keep up on many variables... I would call it a tie... some things better, some worse...