If you have a smaller budget, you might consider getting an older tube preamp and having it refurbished. But the question is whether you would need tone controls or not.
You've not really talked about your room! I know its carpeted; what sort of furniture is there? What are the walls and ceiling like? If the room itself is really dead, you may not be able to get more highs (properly) without a tone control or the like. I personally think its a Bad Idea to equalize the room; in every case I have seen where room correction was employed the room correction device itself proved to have its own signature.
So I find it easier in many cases to work with the room itself.
You've not really talked about your room! I know its carpeted; what sort of furniture is there? What are the walls and ceiling like? If the room itself is really dead, you may not be able to get more highs (properly) without a tone control or the like. I personally think its a Bad Idea to equalize the room; in every case I have seen where room correction was employed the room correction device itself proved to have its own signature.
So I find it easier in many cases to work with the room itself.