RCA or XLR iInput Shorting Plugs or Pins

Looking for opinions on the routine use shorting or non shorting plugs, pins or caps on unused preamplifier or amplifier inputs. Does it really lower noise if inputs are not selected? Shorting vs Non shorting? Why are some manufacturers opposed to shorting plugs for routine use? Is there as much merit for XLR shorting pins as RCA shorting plugs?  Thank you for your advice and opinions!

I've applied shorting plugs to my VAC Ren Sig II's unused inputs, and I sure believe it made it quieter.  Spent all of a $1 a piece off of Ebay, just as bdp24 notes above, so I haven't sweated it much to make dead sure of it...
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Guess I was being too harsh :-(. I still question Cardas’ motives, however. George, why not do the soldering necessary to make the plugs shorting, so they provide a sonic benefit? The user will need to know not to insert them in output jacks, though. Perhaps there is a concern over potential pre-amp damage claims.

 The caps are cheap and keep dust out of the RCA inputs. Seems like a good idea. It is as simple as that.