If you search at eBay for "RCA shorting plugs" you'll find many examples, although I'm not aware of any that are readily available for XLR inputs. The point to assessing the hum with shorted inputs (i.e., with a connection between the center pin and the ground sleeve of an RCA input connector) is that the typically high impedance of unconnected inputs makes them susceptible to pickup of hum or noise even if everything is working properly.
However, since you've found that the hum is present with two different source components connected there's probably no point to trying shorting plugs. And since the problem is sensitive to the position of the volume control the XLR cables and the amp are ruled out as suspects, as Ralph (Atmasphere) indicated. So everything seems to point to the problem being in the preamp. Assuming, that is, that the symptoms when the cd player is selected are essentially identical to when the phono source is selected.
-- Al
However, since you've found that the hum is present with two different source components connected there's probably no point to trying shorting plugs. And since the problem is sensitive to the position of the volume control the XLR cables and the amp are ruled out as suspects, as Ralph (Atmasphere) indicated. So everything seems to point to the problem being in the preamp. Assuming, that is, that the symptoms when the cd player is selected are essentially identical to when the phono source is selected.
-- Al