Hello, slaw- Generally speaking, it seems most that use the term, "musical", are referring to tubes that add warmth to their system. Siemens won’t. The early to mid 60’s, grey shield, internally date coded, CCa is a very neutral/clean tube, with beautiful extension(in both directions) and great sound stage. The later ones(CCa’s), with the silver shield, can be kinda zingy on top(for my tastes), but- most everything else is still there. Mullard and Ediswan made 7308/E188CC tubes that will probably fulfill your desires/tastes, if you’re looking for warmth. Amperex, a bit less warmth than those two. Just be certain to ask for tubes graded, "low noise". I bought a number of excellent Siemens tubes(mostly E188CC & CCa) from this guy, back when he had them: (
http://www.ebay.com/usr/audiotubes_de?_trksid=p2053788.m1543.l2754) I haven’t bought any nine-pins in a few years(thankfully, given the current price of my preferences) and can’t find a link to the other sellers. One was in Argentina and it took the package of CCa’s 6 weeks to get to me. Yeah, I was sweating! Upscale Audio tests and grades their tubes for noise and a plethora of other parameters. (