Recommended Preamp for Pass Labs XA30.8 and why

DAC: MSB Analog
Transport: MSB Platinum DATA CD IV
Cables: MIT Shotgun S1.3 Interconnect & Bi-wire speaker cable
Speakers: Esoteric MG-20

Considered Options:

Audio Research LS27
Conrad-Johnson ET3SE
Aesthetix Calypso Signature
PS Audio BHK Signature
Luxman CL-38u 

This is my very first post in the forum.
Since my speakers' balance has clearly been optimized for clarity and detail rather than warmth and richness
according to Stereophile's review, I prefer a tube preamp.
The MIT interconnect comes with adjustable impedance switching, so impedance matching isn't a major concern.
I prefer a smooth, detailed & balanced sound with wide and deep soundstages. 
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Thank you so very much.
Take a look at my review on the Linear Tube Audio's MicroZOTL headphone/preamplifier on that I made one of my products of the year for the details of its performance.  In one of my systems I have a pair of Pass Labs XA-60.8 mono-blocks that were a match in sonic heaven with the MicroZOTL.  I have also heard with XA-30.8 with the same results.
conspicuous absence of any Pass pre-amps. 

I own an XP-20 and I rank it as the finest pre I've ever owned. Better than a CJ Premier 17LS2 I once had. With the Pass pre, solid state vs tubes is no longer either an issue or a consideration. 

conspicuous absence of any Pass pre-amps. 

I own an XP-20 and I rank it as the finest pre I've ever owned. Better than a CJ Premier 17LS2 I once had. With the Pass pre, solid state vs tubes is no longer either an issue or a consideration. 

I believe that Linear Tube Audio's MicroZOTL is a very special headphone amp / preamp.
Both TAS and Stereophile also have very positive reviews.
But with only two inputs / no remote / DC power supply.....
Hope I’ll have the chance to demo one in home in the future.

Because of space limit, I can only consider Pass Labs' SP10.
Actually I also considered Pass Labs' INT-60 integrated when I bought the XA30.8.
Pass' preamp has no HT bypass in or fixed record/tape out, so it can't be used with a headphone amp.
I would have purchased the INT-60 instead if not for the lacking of some preamp functions.
And I remember that lots of people recommend to mate tube preamp with solid state power amp.
I hope I can find other brand to match Pass perfectly.....