Anyone heard the Onkyo sp 1000 yet?

I am looking for a universal player to match my Von Schweikert vr4 jr's and Cary cinema 5 amp. I am using a complete Von Schweikert system with 2 subs. I heard the onkyo was excellent. Any opinions or other suggestions?
Sorry to break the bad news to you, but, regardless of what you may be reading, the Esoteric DV-50 and Linn Unidisc are a cut above the Onkyo DV-SP1000, sonically, on all formats.
I own the Linn Unidisc and my friend brought over his Onkyo DV-SP1000 to compare it to mine.
The Unidisc was clearly superior to it on all formats, and especially on DVD-AUDIO.
Another friend has an Esoteric DV-50 that we compared the Onkyo with. The Esoteric was also Clearly superior to the Onkyo on all formats, but the Onkyo was closer to the Esoteric on SACD than it was to the Linn.
The video on his Onkyo was slightly better than the Unidisc or Esoteric, but that was about it.
The Onkyo simply sounded too dark, distant, and rolled off in the highs, compared to the two others.
Don't get me wrong, I liked the Onkyo. It was a beautiful, VERY well built machine, with video to die for, and it had excellent audio especially compared to others in its price range and above.
But, in comparison to the Linn and Esoteric, it did have some pretty noticable shortcomings audiowise.
My friend has since sold his Onkyo and bought a used Esoteric DV-50.
Earz...So are you telling me I don't feel the way I feel about this player and that what I wrote is not my opinion?

What part of my note did you not understand?

We have crossed paths on this elsewhere. If anyone would like to bring a sp1000 or a DPS 10.5 over to my place for a listen/comparison, I guarantee it wouldn't take much time to draw a conclusion on its audio.

Enough for meĀ…this is simply a stupid waste of time to argue about.
Ears-I would have to agree with Dbld.I have the sp1000 and love it(actually bought it because of your many great reviews).It replaced a denon 3910 which i tried for 30 days.I thought the stock 3910 was awful sounding in everyway.I played both of these thur my Theta Casablanca and feel the sp1000 sounds very good.But i got a chance to audition the G98 in my system thur the Theta and it blew me away.I do agree with you Ears that the SP1000 is ONE GREAT DEAL FOR THE MONEY with great video,but in my system the G98 has had the best sound yet.PS i am keeping the sp1000 because for the $$$ it's pretty darn good.
Dbld, I am not telling you anything except to not assume that none of the pro reviews used revealing systyms.

Also, the U.K. rags are a bit more honest than most U.S. rags imo.

I have been here since 2000 and should have known how posting this review might go over here.

Anyway, I personally don't care if the 1000 is only superior with video to the more expensive players as that is how it probably should be as far as cost goes.

But I absolutely dissagree that it has rolled off highs. this could not be further from the truth in my experience.
I do however agree that dvd-a is its weakest point , but its also my least used of the format by far.
I beleive the review comparison said the Merdian did have the edge for audio which is fairly easy to believe, but evidently they felt the Onkyo was so much better for video, they called it even overall.

Anyway, the latest DVD Ect just gave the SP1000 its seventh rave review giving it 98 out of 100.