Looking for how to best structure classified listing for 3 Chiro separates for sale

Hello all.  First time user.  I just created the following listing yesterday:  https://www.audiogon.com/listings/solid-state-chiro-c-500-c-800-c-5-1-2017-01-22-preamplifiers-18080...

Is there a better way to structure this single classified listing for these three pieces since I'm looking to sell them as a set?  (I just arbitrarily selected the Preamp category)  Also, are there any other sites out there on which you would recommending posting this listing?

Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the feedback guys!  And thank you Dave for the suggestion to highlight the preamp's bypass mode and including your first-hand knowledge of these products.  Will definitely update my listing accordingly.

Your Ad looks great. Interesting back story. In the late 80's, in during Kinergistic's prime,  I owned one of their early CD players. The Phillips transport failed, very common at the time.  I lived within a few miles of their factory and took in for repairs. Kinergistic Research's primary business was deep water Diving Bells!  Tony DeChiro was the audio engineer and designer.  Truly a standup guy and very down to earth. I still have one of his Kinergistic branded Subwoofer systems.  Yes, it still works great after all these years.