I checked with my local dealer. For my Cremona, the cost would be $1,000 for two grill assemblies. Ridiculous. So, we tighten up our strings by simply pulling on them and re-knotting them. On the Cremona, the string is knotted at the bottom and does a loop over the top and back down and is knotted there. So each length gives 2 grill strings. We just pulled on one end until both sides were taut and re-knotted it. Pretty easy.
Small hands help.
You can get elastic banding cord at most fabric stores. or craft stores. Here is one option. It is a little larger than what is on my Cremona but it could be used. I am pretty sure there are smaller sizes available. It was $3 for 5 yards at my local fabric store.
http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002XNLK88/ref=twister_B00BXQEZVU?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1Take a look at the pictures here, especially the second one.