Template for Sony TTS 8000 or 6000

I have put this post on a couple of other forus in the hope that I get some help. I am trying to get my hands on a Sony TTS 6000 or 8000 template. If it can be photocopied I am more than happy to pay. Please PM me if you can help.

BTW well intended though the suggestions may be with regards to tracing it on some paper - I have done this already, and am not happy with the result for reasons i won't explain in this thread.

Hi lohanimal,

Found your thread and I have the same problem you did a couple of years back.  I have a NOS TTS-6000, but no mounting template.  Were you able to get a copy?  Can I pay for a scan or copy for myself?

Thank you,

Bradley Fried
Are you seeking the cut out template for a plinth?

Yes they are, I did try and reach out to a poster on VE that seemed to 
have some templates but got no reply.

This was simply an effort to help out, I don't need one myself.