Anyone own or heard of PrimaLuna?

Hi. First of all, I am not an audiophile but simply love music and like it certain way but not overly crazy. I started out with solid state Mcintosh for couple years. I recently listen to few tube amps like audio research, t+a, cary audio and prima luna. I can afford all those big expensive brands but I thought primaluna sounded as good if not better and it cost fraction of other big names.  Just curious if anyone has experience with it? What you like the most? What you feel need improvement? Any issue with customer service? How's the company? Is quality really that better as they claim against other competitors? Thank you for your feedback. 

Geez mgreen27,
Just because the guy is new to audio and has the funds to spend doesn't make a particular statement at all. Would I own a $35,000.00 amp? Hell yeah, if I had the money to spend. The guy likes good music and wants the best, I see nothing wrong with that. There are price points for everyone. Besides, how many of us keep trading up to better equipment? Rather than own several pieces over many years it may be more cost effective to go right to the best and be done with it. It is not for us to judge IMO.
My experience with Primaluna, while not bad, was not as positive as others. I had a Primaluna preamp and it just didn't work with my other equipment. Never had a problem with the preamp just didn't work for me. I ended up with an Audio Note M2 pre which I really enjoy.
falconquest said..."There are price points for everyone. Besides, how many of us keep trading up to better equipment? Rather than own several pieces over many years it may be more cost effective to go right to the best and be done with it."

I can agree with some of your statement... but the best in this hobby does not necessarily correlate to the most expensive... That’s one reason to go and audition for yourself as much as possible,and let your own ears be the judge. I make purchase decisions based on my likes and dislikes in what I hear... not hype or high cost.

I have heard the PL integrateds at the dealer, shows, and friends’ homes and they sound and look great. However, if it were me, I would consider the choice of the speakers, size of the listening room, and the type of music played, all into consideration before making a final (amp) decision. To make my point, if I had a 20’X25’ listening room with 10’ ceiling, a pair of Magnepan 3.7 speakers, and listened to Black Sabbath at near concert level volumes, a PL amplifier would definitely not be on my list, no matter how good it sounded playing Melody Gardot out of a pair of Harbeth speakers at moderate volume. Decide on the "system" , not a single component. IMHO, of course.
I got the PL dialouge premium hp loaner and listening to it all night long. I compare to the MC601. I am no where near audiophile level but I do notice the difference, not a lot. Maybe because my Preamp is already tube. I think the PL sounds mellow(?), wider, and feel like music is coming from 50 feet away. That's how I feel.

will do more listening and mix and match the gears and speakers