What's wrong with my DVD player?

I own a Denon 2910 DVD player. It has worked flawlessly since I purchased (new) it. The hours on it are very low. The other day while watching (it's not the DVDs, cleaned them, happens in different parts of the DVD etc) a movie the picture freezes and then goes back to the beginning. Happens over and over again. The picture quality, however, is excellent. The longest playing time before a picture freeze, has been 10 minutes, but it happens more like every three or four minutes. Is there anybody who has had this experience with the 2910 or any other player? Thanks in advance. warren
That's awesome. Glad that did the trick.. the same thing happened on my brother's Denon player and he got lucky in figuring it out and passed the fix on to me. -jz
Well, I spoke too soon. It's not working. The angle thing just doesn't cut it. What appears (momentarily) in the corner is the chapter and section of the movie. Then back to the beginning. It was going a bit longer before the freeze/back to the beginning thing. BTW, why would my DVD player possibly run hot, if it hasn't been doing that for the past 4 years? It's not on long enough to get hot before the freeze.
Doh! Not sure what else to suggest in your case, other than your laser pickup may need cleaning or the disc(s) may be defective. Have you tried the disc that freezes in a different player? I'm having an issue with a 96/24 DAD title not playing in my Sony DVD player. I have tried two copies of the same album and both skip and freeze badly. I have a hunch there was a problem in the manufacturing run for that title. All my other DVD's/cd's work fine..Still awaiting word from the dealer on a refund. Bummer.. -jz
I tried a bunch of DVDs. They all feeze than back to the beginning. Sometimes the movie can go as long as 10 minutes, but most of the time we're talking 3. Crazy. Thanks again for trying...