I need help upgrading my system

My current system is in the mid to low quality range. ATM I mainly use it for listening to music (primarily metal and rock; I'm young, I know) and A little for gameing, But i mostly use my headphones for that. Heres what I currently have:

Insignia Is-HC040917
-totaly pos
-designed for surround sound
-says "500 wats" (I doubt it)
BBE 362 Sonic Maximizer
-bbe process and bass contour turned all the way up
1 Realistic Optimus T-110
-original 6" woofer exchanged with 8" woofer
-have annother, not using it
-used as "center" channel
2 Fisher DS-825 l/r
2 Yamaha NS-A636

I got the speakers for free and the reciever for cheep, so for a grand total of $65, its not too bad. However, I think its time to upgrade. Also remember that all of the sound is comming from my computer, and all songs are encoded in either aac or apple lossless. That being said, I want a new reviever/amp, and 2 new speakers to replace everything. What I need to know is what should I keep, ditch, upgrade, etc. However, I am also how on cash, so I need really cheep, but really good sounding with Slipknot coming out of my good sound card encoded in acc. What can I do?

thanks in advance!

didn't know if this would make a difference, but the room they will primarily be in is 10x10x8 tall, and I do tend to like things loud. these will also need to last, so they'll eventually be in a bigger room.
Your room is small so that will save you $$. What is your max budget on this upgrade? Do you want surround sound in 5.1 or 7.1 or a 2 channel stereo set up? Two channel will also save you many $$. Do you like a great deal of bass ext? If so, you may want a powered subwoofer. Insignia receivers I would say are more on the low end if you know what I mean. If you would upgrade to brands such as Marantz, NAD, Rotel, Denon, etc for a receiver, you will be on your way up. Next are the loudspeakers. Sounds like you could get away with some bookshelf or what are now called standmount speakers. Brands such as B&W, PSB, KEF, NHT, and Energy offer a full range of prices and sizes but the quality is there. The PSB Alpha B1 monitors have rec'd great reviews for a budget bookshelf speaker and they list at $279.00/pr which is damn good. Denon's lowest 2 channel stereo receiver lists for $299.00, Marantz at $429.00, and NAD at $499.00. Check out their websites. The other option would be to purchase these items preowned. There are plenty to choose from on this site. Hope this helps and keep us posted.
Sorry forgot to mention that you would have to connect your PC output to an input on your new receiver in order to play your music files. I'm not sure how this is done but perhaps someone else on the forum can explain this.