I'm using a Classé Audio CAP-151 to drive my Thiel CS 3.7s at the moment. I'm not sure if i should upgrade, anyway if i do so i'm looking for a used integrated amp in the $2K to $3K price range with balanced inputs. I've seen a Sugden IA4 for $3K and a Musical Fidelity KW 550 for $2,4K but it's not balanced. If i upgrade it would have to be really worth it otherwise i'd rather keep my CAP-151. I have someone who would like to buy my CAP-151 for $1,6K.
I think the best choice for a nice reasonable upgrade is the Hegel H360 but for that i would have to sale my Classe and my Hegel HD12. I auditioned the H360 last november and found it very refined and organic. Probably one of the best integrated in this price range with a DAC that's at the same level as the HD12.
carmenc yes integrated amps is just momentarily because hopefully within the next 2 years i will have the budget to build an all separates system with gear that's in another league, for that i'm looking at Dan D'agostino Classic stereo amp and Nagra Classic preamp, here we're talking $32K combo. So that's SS amp with tube preamp like you said.
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