Legacy Audio AERIS: RMAF/listening impressions?

I made a trip to Legacy this past week to hear this speaker in a non-show environment which would also afford more time to listen and hear music that I took with me. I don't see alot in the way of RMAF postings here as yet and would like to hear people's impressions of this speaker as I thought it an amazing speaker with huge potential. I've started a section on my system thread for anyone that wants to add material or please put your thoughts and impressions here. Thanks!
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Cobraman, I read all the thread despite this has more than 3 years. And all the Legacy Speakers posts it concerns to me, beacuse I will upg my speakers to Aeris. You said on one of your posts that you are amazedthe way your VTL amps drive your Aeris. Which ones are they? This is very important to me because I also have VTL monoblocks on my audio system (MB-185 series II) and I'm wondering how would it be driving upper ranges by 340W in tetrode mode.
We are a Legacy displaying dealer and I think we can help. 

We have heard the Aeris and  can give you  some guidance, we will be getting our display pair later in the year, currently we have Focus models on display. 

My boss, Dave knows your VTL  MB 185 quite well, If you contact the store ask for Dave I am sure he can give you some good advice.. 

The MB 185 were terrific amps and other than the bigger models were a great sweet spot product from the golden age of VTL. 

They can easily power the Aeris, the Aeries are quite efficient all of Dudelestons  designs have an easy impedance curves, the major difference is that many of their conventional speakers require a lot of current to control those large woofers. In the case of the Aeris and Focux XD the internal amplifier drives the woofers so now you have an easy non reactive load .
Hi francisgr .. My vtl amps where made back in the early to mid 90s by David Manley they are a custom version of the old MB 225 that use EL34 output tubes  in ultra linear mode about 200 watts . Aeris plays really well with vtl amps. Even after three years of using this set up I am still very very happy.. Aeris is an amazing speaker . As a side note before Aeris I used these same amps to power a pair of Focus SE full range and never ran out of power and also sounded great    Aeris has internal 500 watt amps for each woofer so your vtl amps will only need to power from about 80 Hz and up. level matching between the internal amps and the vtl amps are really a  breeze  using the Xilica DSP your MB 185 should work and sound  great.   
francisgr: your VTLs with all that power will have no issue driving the AERIS; all of Legacy speakers are easy loads to drive being highly efficient. I know guys who believe it or not have used low-wattage SET amps to drive Focus 20/20, etc...with great results but I would advocate something with a bit more horsepower for the reason audiotroy mentioned regarding dynamics and bass control. That stated, again, your VTLs will serve you very well in this regard as will others (Manley, Ayon, Wall Audio, etc...). Several of us have not just heard AERIS, we’ve owned them over varying to long periods of time. You are looking at a great speaker!!!

Cobraman: Great to hear from you again! Hope all is well with you!

FYI all, there is another thread which has come up regarding AERIS and amplification. Will be interesting to see the parallels...

Hi people. Thank you for your opinions and comments. I've never doubted about my amps driving the lovely and amazing Aeris. What crosses my mind is just the fact of having such amps wouldn't be any waste of power. After all it's 340w @ 5 ohms for a 98dB of efficiency. But anyway, I won't get rid of