Recommendations for rolling tubes on Luxman SQ-N10?

I've owned a Luxman SQ-N10 for a little over a year now, and if thought it's only 10W, with the way it's hooked up to high efficiency speakers, I'm very impressed with the amp. I'd like to play around with it a little and see if there might be any benefit in rolling some of the tubes that are on it.

From everything I've read online, most people only switched out the main 12AX7, and I've done so, replacing the stock with a psvane/shuguang. The sound is neutral and detailed for a tube integrated, but in comparing to a quality higher watt amp, it is just not getting the oomph in the way that I hoped. It's there for sure, but I just want a little more.

Have you rolled the tubes to get a chemistry that you like with this amp? If so, what are you using?
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Until the Shuguang Customs came along, my regular go-to 12AX7 tubes were either the Psvane 12AX7-TII or Mazda ECC83.

I tried to find Telefunken ECC803S' but I kept receiving counterfeits (or really bad tubes) so I gave up. Reputable dealers (like TubeWorld) are now asking US$1,000 for one tube, which is too spendy for me.

I just realized that I didn't answer your second question.

I find with the Shuguang's that there is more pronounced separation of the instruments and notes. Things like piano notes and a brush on a cymbal have more decay. I can hear finer (subtler) details in the music.

Initially I though the Shuguang's were bright sounding, but what I mistook for brightness was simply the notes having more.... clarity?

I always struggle to describe in words what I hear as the experience of listening to music transcends my limited vocabulary.
The Luxman SQ-N10 is a nice little integrated amp.  I owned one for about 2-3 years but I sold it 4 years ago.  I was using it for a headphone amp and it was excellent for that use.  I rolled tubes but it's been to long for me to remember exactly which tubes I liked.  Typically I like Mullard CV4004 (12AX7) tubes for their warmth and full body sound. 
@nordicnorm - thank you for the response on the Shuguangs. It'll be something to consider down the road when some of my other 12AX7s are done with. For now, I have a handful of decent ones to play with, but thanks for helping me understand em!

@smatsui - Those Mullards were actually started, both in the SQ-N10 and in my previous phono stage. They're a great improvement over most stock tubes for only costing ~$20.