Question about new Oppo 4K player

Hey guys!

My first post here, been reading for a long time but wanted to wait until I upgraded my system to jump in! I recently got an Xbox S to use as a 4K player - I needed a new one, and my Sony 930d does HDR, so I figured why not?

I have always been curious about Oppo Blu Ray players, I have read nothing but amazing things about them. My question: WHY is the new 4K player only $500, as opposed to the 103 and 105(d)? My buddies at Magnolia always rave about the sound quality and video processing from the, will the 4K player possibly lose some of the audio power? I can't figure out why it would be so cheap - I figure maybe the darbee chip won't be necessary since its running 4K?

Hope this question makes sense! Thanks
Long time ago that I posted this....but I was able to get the first run of the 203 from Oppo. And I must say, the picture is fantastic. The difference with the HDR turned on is incredible, and it seems that audio/video is better than when using the 4K drive on the Xbox S. 

I'm new to the audiophile side of things, but it seems that this has all the bells and whistles I could ever need! 

And the remote is huge, I don't use it because I have Savant universal, but its very detailed. 

My first piece from Oppo, very happy!
Ethos, question - what streaming apps come with the -203 player ?  I use my 105D to stream a number of sources, including Netflix, Berliner Philharmoniker, etc.. (I have to use a Roku 3600 stick to stream Amazon, Hulu, etc.. )

I was told that Oppo was dropping a lot of streaming apps and letting users install streaming sticks to save on cost.  I really like the Berliner Philharmoniker concert channel, so I am hoping it's still on the new player.

@dcbingaman honestly I haven't checked much - I use my Sony 930d for streaming. I have read that many people knocked the 203 though for not including  as many apps if I remember. I can check and update tomorrow!