Template for Sony TTS 8000 or 6000

I have put this post on a couple of other forus in the hope that I get some help. I am trying to get my hands on a Sony TTS 6000 or 8000 template. If it can be photocopied I am more than happy to pay. Please PM me if you can help.

BTW well intended though the suggestions may be with regards to tracing it on some paper - I have done this already, and am not happy with the result for reasons i won't explain in this thread.

Are you seeking the cut out template for a plinth?

Yes they are, I did try and reach out to a poster on VE that seemed to 
have some templates but got no reply.

This was simply an effort to help out, I don't need one myself.

Yes, need a mounting template so I can build a plinth for my TTS-6000.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Well if it the same as the TTS-8000, I can help. I can maybe email a dwg, I took careful measurements for CNC'ing mine, made any necessary adjustments until it was correct. Let me know..

Since these appear to be scarce perhaps you could benefit the 
community by sending a copy over to Jas on VE.

I ended up submitting the template for one of the Sony's myself and 
VE is the place to look for hard to find documentation.
Sure can, anything that helps with keeping these fantastic turntables in use would be a pleasure. They really can show that no real progress has been made in TT design despite current high retail prices being charged.