Has anybody heard this newer brand of turntable? Shineola Runwell out of Detroit, MI USA?

Has anyone had any good experiences with this brand? Seems to be very well built and with technology and ideas borrowed from VPI.

Correction on spelling of company name, it's Shinola.

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I've heard it but only in the Detroit store during a busy Sunday before Christmas.  Sounded fine and looks nice.  No critical listening was done.  I dislike the hipster crowd down there as they have completely displaced the native Detroiters.  But that has nothing to do with the music!

Thanks for the various comments. Also, wntrmute2 for the actual eye witness,  ear witness account. I like the idea of a well built TT, out of Detroit MI. If I am to throw my money somewhere, I want quality and perhaps help grow a city back to some old glory days..... a little bit anyway.