How do I power my 800D(3)s

Hi folks

I am new to this, but trying to learn fast!

I have long been a fan of Bowers and Wilkins and I am lucky enough to buy a brand new pair of 800D(3)'s.  I have recently built a new house, so now have enough space for this very special purchase, which I plan to make in the next month or so.

I want to run a two channel system in our living room so it's a pretty simple layout.  Can anybody give me some advice, so that I get the best out of the speakers.  Will a Pre-Amp, and an Amp be enough with a Streamer?  Do I need two amps?  

Can you also advise on the best brands to look at.  I see that B&W tends to show the speakers off in thier demo's with Classe?  Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

I wish I had your problem. The speakers you bought are argueably as good as are made. Don't listen to cry babies who say something is better. They are jealous. BTW, B&W owns Classe. That is why you se them together. I personally prefer other brands. Here is your problem: your speakers are far too good to listen with any streaming service. You need a great CD playet and amps and at least one preamp with giant power supplies. Go to B&W dealers and others to listen to their best systems. Most good dealers should let you take equipment home to test, with full refunds offered.

I had Classe equipment. It was really good, but I prefer what I have. Unfortunately, you can' t have it.  The company belongs to an Apollo rocket scientist who retired. If you really want to splurge and have a really good A/C system, check out James Parker's audio Research. Anything designed by John Curl or Nelson Pass is also hard to beat. If yoy want to get a great deal, look at current Bryston two channel amps and preamps. They have a transferable 25 year warranty and sound really good. Don' t go by price. Use your ears.
"Here is your problem: your speakers are far too good to listen with any streaming service."

Tidal (especially the Masters) streamed through a great USB-capable DAC sounds very, very good. I encourage you to compare Tidal's sound quality to your favorite CD transport through the same DAC. You will be pleasantly surprised (as I was).


For reference I really like the Lynn product, but it is VERY expensive

Great amp but knowing and having worked on them, NO, not for these loads that these speakers represent. Between 60hz and 1000hz especially at 70-90hz.

Cheers George