The Palladian-A step beyond

The new cartridge from Acoustical Systems may finally be the LOMC to fully realise the theoretical advantages of the genus.
And convince those long-suffering audiophiles to whom the 'modern' MC presentation has been anathema to 'live sound'....that the realism of vintage LOMCs like the SPUs and FR-7 series has finally been recaptured 👀
Finally to report on my new screws -- as mentioned they come nicely presented, two pairs one shorter set and one longer. Each with a small plastic type washer. The shorter pair were an exact swap for the brass screws that had come with my Palladian. One difference is that the Timet screws are allen key mounted while the brass used a screwdriver -- generally the former is to be preferred if for no other reason than minimizing the chance of the screwdriver slipping and causing who knows what damage 😏

The Timet 1100 screws are a little lighter than the brass so VTF needs to be reset (about a .15g change, so quite a lot)

With it all set up on to listening and yes they do make a substantial improvement -- probably the best way to describe it is that there is less smear -- transients are cleaner and more distinct (by which I mean different sorts of things, different metals or metals vs woods, sound more distinct from one another) and the absence of ringing on the decay of things is very striking -- this then uncovers all sorts of extra details (breathwork, hidden backing vocal lines etc) that the ringing and smears had masked

So if I had to guess I'd assume that the Timet material stores less energy than brass or alternatives and this is the reason for the benefit. Note that in my installation this is not a matter of being able to simply tighten the cartridge down more -- as my headshell is some sort of composite material you cannot actually over tighten without deforming it 

All in all the new screws are a must have with the Palladian (and I think now ship with it?) -- as to whether they'd offer equal benefits from other cartridges who knows -- maybe I'll take the two longer spares I have and see if I can mount them on my Miyajima Zero Mono on my #2 arm -- will report back on what I find

ps still no spacer, when I get that I will remount my arm, may even be able to eliminate my sub-arm board completely and thus obviate need for spacer but so far teh Palladian sounds great running horizontal
As you are now aquainted with the titanium screws you may need a titanium tonearm. Are you already running one?  I just got a SpJ fully titanium tonearm, also the tube. Here the Timet screws feel very familiar with the Palladian...the sound is terrific. I am using the combo on my Caeles table.

It appears that titanium does possess some valuable qualities for audio least in the turntable/tonearm/cartridge side of things.
Your SpJ tonearm Thuchan, is a thing of beauty.
Has Dietrich heard it with his Palladian cartridge yet?
After all....he did a lot of the refurbishment on it and was instrumental in connecting you with its previous owner...😎

@thuchan congrats on the SPJ arm -- I always lusted after the SPJ LaLuce Centoventi that Brooks Berdan had -- perhaps one day I'll be able to pick one up

My tonearm is a composite I'm afraid but even so the effect of the Ti screws is apparent. Unfortunately I'll not be able to try them on my other arm as the Miyajima cartridges require extra long screws that go all the way through the body

Still waiting on the shim 😕  but will report on that when/if it arrives

ps I just added the EnigmaAcoustics Sopranino supertweeter to my system -- very synergistic with the Palladian, the high end extension and clarity the cartridge brings works well with the supertweeter -- interesting how bass sounds become deeper, clearer and better defined once you have better control of the leading edge of the sound
Thanks Folkfreak,
Halcro, Dietrich has heard his Palladian with the SpJ. I could not stop him putting his hand on the Titanium screws... He used the Opus I disc to adjust in the best possible way. He said he felt responsible for the previous owner 😇