PS Audio BHK 300 mono VS Modwright KWA 150SE mono VS D'agostino Classic stereo

What would you consider the best option of these 3 to build a reference level system.
Any experience with these amps would be appreciated.
I'm also considering higher end gear but if budget does not allow i will stick to these 3 options.

I don’t accept the premise that you can have too much "true" transparency.
I agree with Charles.  I just received my Metrum Pavane DAC back from The Netherlands after being upgraded with their Transient  DAC TWO modules that are also used in their Adagio.  The transparency is exceptional and the result is an analog-like relaxed musicality - transparent, resolving, nuanced but very natural sounding....go figure.
Yes that's what i meant too much brightness.
I guess the only way to know is to try out.
One thing that is sure is that the Aelius monos will lack bass slam compared to a CH amp.
The midrange should be a little sweater and magical with the Ypsilons.

Open up your minds dont think top digital is a liability you would be dead wrong !!
I  owned a Stereo store and had many  $$ systems. 
Merrell audio in NJ,U.SA  their top amps have classic class A sections 
As well as top digital modules think up their top Levinson, Krell Ayre
For  $12k flagship,or less$$  if you can get a deal their top mono blocks 
Just read the Many Great reviews Not one even questionable. I am looking to buy their Thor mono blocks only because I don't have the extra money
And even at $5 k price performance Champs. You would Never know 
What was inside. The sonic goods is what it does in spades. Please
Do  yourself a Big favor. I invite even the Biggest skeptics which I was one of them
Go give these electronics a solid workout .their preamps also. Myself own 
Custom Build Radu Tarta Vacuum Tube gear which I consider Top shelf .but their SS gear if Very good.
Go read the many reviews ,then get a listen.
Hey guys I'm enjoying Florida weather at the moment, I did my Ypsilon home demo on Feb 25 and it went flawlessly.
The distributor came the night before to plug all the gear in my system and we started the auditions the next day in the afternoon.
My Hegel HD12 DAC ended up being a serious bottleneck with the Ypsilon pre and monoblocks.
Luckily the distributor brought a Playback Designs CD player and an Helixir Audio DAC.
With the PD CD player we really started enjoying the huge potential of an Ypsilon system driving Thiel cs 3.7s.
I can tell you guys that I never heard my speakers sing in the past like that day!!
The midrange was the most magical I've heard to date, I felt like crying at some point.
The bass was very solid with huge articulation, there was a lot of air between instruments.
The soundstage is something I have never experienced in the past on Thiel speakers, holographic and extremely stable.
When we switched for the Helixir DAC it got even better, higher resolution and more relaxed.
If you are looking for an awesome DAC under 10K take a look at the Helixir Audio DAC retail for 7.5k.
To sum it up Ypsilon is phenomenal gear most probably competing with brands like CH Précision for half of the budget.
The Aelius ll monoblocks with only 200w into 8 ohms had a very good grip on my speakers.