Separates for 2-channel & HT, or.....?

I posted this in the amp/preamp forum too - no responses as yet so I will try again here. I hope double posts are not frowned upon.

I am coming from the simple world of SS receiver and separate SS power amp - Rotel gear, as you can see from my Virtual System. I am trying to find a more musical system, but I still need to have a system that can be used for HT. Optimized 2-channel is more important to me, but I can't make two separate systems - no room. :-(

I am changing out my speakers to Cain & Cain Abbys - single drive (Fostex 166E) high efficiency speakers (95dB.) My Teres turntable is also a keeper, as is my phono stage. These are about the only decisions I have been able to firm up! So, I am building my system around these components.

I need either an integrated amp or separates - pre amp/power amp. I thought tubes would be best for the Abbys, but then again, maybe the pre should be solid state with a tube amp - or is the other way around better? You see how unknowing I am! An integrated amp might be a bit of a compromise, but might also fit my budget better. :-~

This is what I need the system to do: I need to be able to run my CD drive, a DVD drive, my phono stage and a subwoofer, as well as, of course, front speakers. If I end up getting rid of my receiver, an option for rear and center speakers would be a plus, though I may forgo surround sound (5.1) with my new system.

My budget is around $10,000 which is both limiting, I realize, and more than I wanted to spend. :rolleyes: I would like this budget to include a new CD-player - I am considering the Musical Fidelity A5 - so I guess my actual amp/preamp budget is around $8000.

So, should I keep the receiver - or get a better one - and get an integrated amp with an HT pass through, or go with separates, or????
IF you were talking to me, that NOT how I do it. The Denon 2 front channels feed the preamp; the remaining 4 channels feed the processor (2 rears, center and sub). For movies, just adjust the volume controls on the pre and processor so they match, and you're done. That way the pre still controls the left and right speakers, which was my goal (big price and quality difference between my Preamp and the movie Processor).

Hope that helps - there are obviously several ways to achieve multichannel from a 2 channel system.
Decisions, decisions, decisions. I guess I can't make any until I have a chance to actually audition some of the components recommended here.

Fplanner - you appear to have a really nice system, though too rich for my blood! I was considering the Simaudio Stargate receiver/processor. Is this comparable to the Sunfire? The difference for me being that there is a local Sunfire dealer, but no Simaudio dealer in the state, so I could actually hear and see the Sunfire components. I thought I could pair the processor with some sort of tube pre-amp and end up with very nice 2-channel system and decent HT in addition.

Time to make a list of places to visit for auditions!

Thank you again to everyone for your responses and recommendations.

Sounds like you have the right idea. I would recommend a VAC Standard LE preamp(about $2K- used w/o a phono stage) if you decide to get a separate tube preamp. I had one and got hooked on the VAC sound, plus the build quality and support (Kevin Hayes) are unbeatable. 90% of the time when you call VAC, Kevin will answer the phone and try to help if he can, with no pressure at all. Truly a class act. If you ask, he will also try to help you locate what you're seeking from one of his dealers, sometimes on a demo basis (what he did with me)

I would also listen to the Sunfire products and see what you think. While there, try the Sunfire Cinema Grand amp if you get the chance - it has both current and voltage outputs for the front channels, which lend an almost tube-like character to the sound in a bi-wire situation. Apparently not many people know about this feature.

If you aren't satisfied with the Sunfire, at that point I would pursue Simaudio, etc. In my opinion, most Sunfire products offer excellent value for the money, and I still have 2, in limited roles, in my system.

Good Luck!
I haven't tried it myself but u may want to check out McCormak gear: their mutli-channel pre is analogue: no digital processing and price is well within your price range if memory serves me correctly, The digital process for 5.1 channel you can rely on your DVD player: what does mean though you need lots of cable but if sound quality is not the utmost priority for your 5 channel set up, this should not be expensive either. It ain't tubes as u seem to be interested in, but very neat solution: sound quality I can't say as I have not tried it myself but I think I recall John Marks of Stereophile giving it a good review, for what its worth. Check it out...and if you let me know what you think!
More ideas to pursue! This weekend I am indeed going to make a list of all the recommended components - unless I am too busy listening to my new speakers! - and try to narrow it down to a reasonable number. Then next weekend I am going to start audtioning everything on my list that is locally available. :-D
