Has anyone compared K150 tubes and the stock EL34s in Primaluna integrated/amplifiers?

I have a Primaluna Dialogue HP Premium with stock EL34s.  When the EL34s wear out, which I suspect will be a long time, what would I replace them with?  The KT150 is intriguing to me. 

Has anyone compared these tubes, especially in Primaluna gear?  I'm wondering if I would lose the EL34s midrange in exchange for the increased power of KT150s.  It's hard to find, however, a bad review of anyone using KT150s. 

Thanks all!  
i too have the dialogue hp premium and was thinking the same thing.  with the hp, i dont need the extra power, but have heard great things about the sonics.  i was also wondering where the kt120s fit into the picture sonically. 
Curiosity is killing me!  Kevin Deal at Upscale told me the EL34s have the best midrange, yet others seem to like the 150s over them.  
I was running the EL34 to Revel Performa3 F206s. Maybe not as power hungry as the Performa 2 series, but still not quite lighting them up.
So  I got the KT150 and Boom! Did the trick. I love em. Might add that the  Mullard CV4003 for the 12AU7 is freakin wonderful. (I hesitate to say it because Upscale has already raised the price since I got mine a few months ago.) Subbing those tubes out is a $1500 proposition but well worth it IMHO.
BTW the ultralinear mode has a bit of an agressive edge to it, and I hear reviewers saying they prefer the triode mode. With the Mullards the ultralinear mode is smooth as can be, and I never prefer the triode mode now.
With that combo, it is better in every way you want to list. And the bass is amazing. Hard to believe that kind of bass from a tube amp.

I have the Dialogue Premium rather then the HP .

I have found the Shuguang Black Treasure 6CA7's to be to my liking . Your stock EL-34's are quite good for that type of tube . I have tried many different brands of EL-34's .

I have also tried the KT-120's . They have a nice top and bottom range but I found them lacking in the midrange . The mids are where the EL-34's tend to shine .

Some of my journey , into tube rolling with the Dialogue Premium integrated , is documented here in 1 or 2 threads for both the power tubes and the small signal tubes .

Good luck