The Moon tech said that the MM gain is high enough for even the Denon DL110 HOMC with an published spec output of 1.6 mV. The DL-103 LOMC is .0.3 and the infamous DL 103R LOMC is approximately the same
I am still mulling over keeping the U-Turn Orbit PlusTT with the Ortofon 2M RED cartridgeBesides output and weight, you should also take into account the cartridge compliance rating to see how well it will match with your tonearm.
Your Orbit tonearm has an effective mass of around 11 grams, making either the DL-103 or 103R, compliance rating of 5 cu, a very poor choice resulting in a resonant frequency of around 16 Hz! It's this need for extremely low mass tonearms that give the 103's their infamous rep.
The DL-110 is a much better match for your tonearm with a rating of 14 and giving you a much lower resonant frequency of 11 Hz.
IMO the medium compliance Soundsmith Otello would be the best match for your tonearm resulting in very low 8 Hz. It's also the highest output of the three you mention at 2.12 mV.