Acoustic Zen Crescendo speaker crossover capacitors ... who makes them?

I own the MKl version of the Crescendo and see the crossover uses all Acoustic Zen branded capacitors. Most are blue in color with the smallest values bring black. Does anyone know what company makes these for AZ? I did email the builder, but no answer. Love any information the community may have on this topic. 


Have you done this? I ask as I wonder if this will make these cheap electrolytic caps sound as good as decent metalized  poly caps? Very interesting.

So I hook up 4 nine volt batteries in series with the positive lead of the first battery going directly to a 1mohm resister then to the junction point of the series caps and the negative lead of the last battery going to the negative return of the low pass circuit. That simple? I better test that no DC is getting through. The electrolytic caps should be non-polar correct? 


Yes I ave used this technique and it defiantly improves the SQ of a Bipolar Electrolytic Capacitor.   All capacitors in a Speaker Crossover should be Bipolar as this is an AC circuit.   If you google this there are many diagrams on how to connect the circuit, and you are describing it correctly,  you must however use a separate feed from the battery to each set of capacitors - luckily 1M Ohm resistors are very inexpensive.

One small correction to above post - since you are connecting the capacitors in series each should have a value of 2000uF, a series connection of capacitors results in half the value of each - i.e 2000uF in series with 2000uF = 1000uF

Best of luck

In all honesty the whole Xover only passes small voltage through a Loudspeaker 
Everything is converted through the amplifier before the Loudspeaker. 
Myself learning well over 20 years ago Electrolytic are by far the worst possible 
Way to conduct a signal the only reason used in power supplies normally for is you needed say 10,000uf in capacitance, poly caps are night and day less distortion and noise but are  Huge vs same UF- Microfared in capacitance. 
In a Loudspeaker largest are in bass caps say 80uf for example.Bass nowhere as critical to the ear such as midrange a decent cap like Clarity ESA, or top shelf for Bass Which I use a Munforf Supreme  if in your budget.Duelund way too expensivefor Bass., but for midrange 
On a good speaker yes. In a speaker Never would consider leaving electrolytic 
All ways a poly cap. Go to magico, yg acoustic,marten, b&w only poly caps 
Electrolytic in power supply like my amp over 200k in capacitance,I then  bypass with good Audyn .1uf Caps 
Poly caps just to clean up the. high frequency noise.This is very common practice.
I just follow what the leading builders do. That being said you do whatever with your monies.
Regarding thd Crescendo I heard on several visits stock as well as modded.
That is how I was aware of the caps in there .IMO they have no business at all in a over $10k Loudspeaker. At least name brand boutique caps like a Clarity ESA 
At the least .