Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Woogie59, The zero gold interconnect you have will make the 0.8 sound broken at 300 hrs of reburn in,  just keep playing music for 300 hrs then make another comparison,  your interconnect should have come with the leads to be used between grounding station and the interconnect,  should be around 18" long,  be sure to use them,  the cable sounds as it was designed to sound like doing so,  never use cable direct to grounding station, congratulations on a fine cable you have,  cheers 🤓😀
melbguy: Glad to hear the system is treating you well but sorry to hear about life not doing so; whatever it is, I hope it gets better for you very soon.   As for the rest,...well, 'speechless' would suffice!
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