Cables for Focal 1008be2

I’m looking to upgrade my speaker cables for my new Focal 1008be2’s
Right now I have WireWizard Spellbinder by Nordst, running from my Yaqin 100b (KT88 push pull)
Looking for something different maybe a bit more resolving but not bright.
I have Morrow audio interconnects, I like them and was thinking about their sp4 cables.
Any suggestions? I’d like to stay around $500 for a 15-16 foot run.
Thanks in advance.


Douglas Connection 9 awg speaker cables might do nicely.  You should be able to get into a 15 foot pair for around $310.  I have heard Douglas cables with tube amplification and it sounded great, in that they have great highs, but not edgy or bright sounding.  Bass impact is really good.

I had Morrow SP2 speaker cables in my solid state home system for years, but I recently went with different cables and it was a huge difference. 
I own Focal speakers, and recommend a good all copper wire.  I use a Jena lab braid on the small side I picked  up used.  I like them, but I think you would be even happier if you could find some used Cardas cables, except the clear or whatever they were marketing as an alternative to their warm and lush "golden" cables.  If you can't find the speaker cables get the interconnects, you'll be happy with the result.  I was really pleased.