Advice for Sub to match with Martin Logan Monolith III

Looking to add a sub to my Monolith III's,  like to keep it around $1,500 new or used.



SVS SB13 Ultra - scratch and dent in Piano Gloss Black. 1,000 watt RMS amp. Regularly $1,600 but outlet price of $999 but with 5 year warranty and 45 day in home trial. Includes shipping too - which can be high for 100 pounds. I just picked up (2) yesterday for $1,899 (5% ($100) discount for purchasing two); which I realize is a little out of your specified $1,500 range but would be more better :D if you can swing it; and if your room is medium to large in size (you didn't say).  Either way, I expect that a sub can add much to the musicality and satisfaction of your ML system. Good luck!

Very welcome Steve.

I think/hope they will be the ticket for me as well.

They seem to be very well reviewed.

Maybe not *quite* a JL Audio Fathom F113, but they’re 1/3rd-1/4th the [$3,999] price.

I pulled the trigger and got one.   It'll go with my Martin Logan Monolith III's set up.  What are you running Keith?

Hey Steve, nice pick up.

Can’t go wrong at the price and the trial period, etc.

My main speakers are PMC PB1is. I’ve currently driving them with a Muscial Fidelity TriVista integrated, but I recently purchased some Bryston 7BST monoblocks (currently undergoing updating under warranty). Although the Musical Fidelity is very nice, Bryston and PMC are made for each other. We shall see. I will use the Brystons with Joule Electra and/or EE Avant tube preamp(s). NOS tubes of course ;). I’m using a Cambridge Audio CXC transport and a Wyred4Sound DAC2DSD (Furutech fuse). I also have a Clearaudio Ambient Solo Wood turntable, but I find I don’t use it much at all (pretty limited vinyl collection). Cables are Chimera Labs, MusicMetre, Harmonic Technology, power cords are TG Audio, TekLine Silver, ElectraGlide and Acrolink/Oyaide DIY. Speaker cables are TG Audio, Cabledyne and Clear Day.

My next purchase will be a streaming player (looking for suggestions) and a Tidal subscription.

Didn’t feel that I "needed" subs (in fact I had just sold my much lower power/smaller) subs locally. But I missed some of the benefits that subs provide when they energize the room and create the sense of filling out the soundstage at all frequencies. And I believe they will be great for both music and movies.

I am about 95% two channel audio/5% movies, but with 2 Bryston 7BST 500 watt monoblocks and two 1,000 watt 13" subs in my near future, I’m feeling a little bit of that Tool-Time Tim Allen gorilla grunt - ooo ooo ooo. :D Peace.