I'm considering replacing my passive preamp with a tubes. Is it worth it?

I would like to know if it would be worth it to trade my passive preamp for tube.  Would the change make a significant improvement?  

My setup:

Magnepan MG .7
Mod Squad Line Drive passive preamp
Bryston 4b-st amp
Rythmik f12 sub
Bluesound Node
Tidal streaming

My budget on a preamp would be $1k.  If the answer is "yes" then opinions would be welcomed.


without the clicking volume control.
It’s not a "clicking" feel, it’s a smooth rotation, but it does activate different relays inside to give 128 levels via a micro processor. Relays are far better than any normal volume control, as they have far better contact pressure than a resistive track with a very light wiper contact that normal volume controls have.

" Freya uses a sophisticated microprocessor-controlled relay-stepped attenuator for perfect channel matching and zero distortion—and with 128 steps for ultra-precise level control "

Cheers George
That Brown Labs sounds as though it's an excellent buy.  It looks great too.  I am leaning way over to it right now.  
Try a Bryston bp 20 , 25 or sp2 . One of the sweetest volume controls around . Oughta work well with your amp .

I did just that, switch from a passive to a tube pre. I was using a DIY built copy of one of the best current Passives, the Music First Audio Baby Reference. It was truly excellent, neutral, transparent, detailed, but. I felt I was missing some dynamics and changed to a Modwright 36.5 and yes, dynamics were clearly better and the sound was richer. The textures and notes seemed fuller, less dry.

 So in my case, I definitely preferred the tubed Pre. The Modwright would be above your price range, maybe not the L100. I agree with EBM, if I was looking for a $1000 tubed pre, you couldn't  go wrong with CJ. I used the LS17, I think it was, for a few years, a wonderful unit.

Music First Audio Baby Reference. It was truly excellent, neutral, transparent, detailed, but. I felt I was missing some dynamics 

Being a passive and seeing what that source signal had to go through, I can understand why it was missing dynamics. That amount of wire and even more in the more in the transformers, would be like putting the dynamics through a funnel.


Cheers George