Can Pass XA60.8's drive Revel Ultima Salon2's without their tongues hanging out?

Hello all, I'm driving Paradigm Tributes with XA60.8 monos.  Aesthetix Calypso, Auralic Vega, mRendu, NAS/Roon/Tidal, Shunyata pc's, Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Interc's, Big Silver Oval speaker cables round out the system. My listening room is narrow 13'w x 17' long,  9' ceilings. I'm goona be moving to a larger place and I kinda got the shinin' for a pair of Revel Ultima Salon 2's and before I work myself up into a lather thought I might ask the title question: are the XA60.8s up to the challenge? I've only had the 60.8s a few months, I like them and don't really want to change things up if it ain't really necessary. (I traded up from the 250.8 stereo) Peace and thanks
The XA-60.8's should be able to drive the Revel Ultima Salon 2's .
Of course some of that may depend on how large the room is and how loud your average listening levels are.
In a really big room at loud levels the XA-60.8 may run out of gas.

I guess the decision then would be whether you like the 60.8's or the Salon 2's better.

 I always thought you need real high powered amplifiers to get a decent sound from inefficient speakers in a large room. We just did an experiment this past weekend which proved (to me) that it really boils down to how loud you listen to your music. I have a pair of McIntosh MC2200 amps - 200 wpc @ 8 or 4 ohms, bridged to 400 wpc, driving a pair of Martin Logan Aerius i speakers. Listening room is a large 20'x20'x20', basically a huge cube. A friend of mine brought over his home made 8 wpc tube integrated amp to show off and we decided to hook it up just for kicks and see what happens. Contrary to our expectations, it wasn't that bad at all. The obvious limitation was the sound volume which was reasonably loud but nowhere near what my amps could do. The overall sound also had less "body" but it was quite listenable otherwise. Anyway, I don't know how all this translates to your specific situation but I would not be surprised at all if the XA60.8 drove the Salons without a sweat unless you listen to rock music at concert level volumes.

Very interesting. Living in an apartment I listen at moderate levels. Ironically listening room requirements weigh heavy in my future living quarters. That being said My preference would be to have headroom to spare instead of just making it. Thank for the info