Cables for rear surrounds

I've got about a 50' distance to get my surrounds wired up from my receiver. Thinking of using 16 gauge pure copper insulated wire with banana plugs. Should I cut any excess lengths which may be about 10' or so. Or does it really matter?? Any tips other than the obvious in wiring for surrounds?

+1 reubent -- and to amplify his recommendation, BFA-style banana plugs are different from the banana plugs you usually think of. They have considerably better contact area and the tension of them is easy to adjust so that you get a close fit.
Even inexpensive ones like these should work well in your application.

If you have the ability to solder, you might want to try these:

I've used similar, and they are awesome! Nordost Z-plugs are essentially the same as these and they are used on multi-thousand dollar speaker cables.
I'll third, or fourth, the BFA banana plugs suggestion. They are superior in sound quality and connection to spades and old style bananas as well as bare wire. Well, in my experience at least
I don't know the answer, I'm just asking: Is 16g enough wire for a 50' run, or should suncore consider 14g, or even 12g?