Is Audio Bluebook dead?

It appears to me that Audio Bluebook is no longer being updated.

For example: Sonus Faber Venere is a really popular speaker and I have seen many (100s?) listed on Audiogon over the last ~2 years. However, I can not find any historical sale prices for these speakers in Audio Bluebook.

I am pretty sure it is not me searching incorrectly because I have been able to find historical data on older products (sold on Audiogon prior to ~ 2013).

Is Audio Bluebook really dead? Or am I just suffering the after effects of Saturday night?



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Bluebooks, Audiogon or Orion, are not very accurate,
Best to use Hifishark and Ebay to gauge current listing prices and recent sold listing prices.
Hifishark and Ebay  are not good sources for high-end audio, not enough representation of high-end manufacturers. Orion is used & participated by dealers & insurance companies and is updated in real time, AudiogoN only uses it's sales and updated infrequently. 
Just ask here . I do not know why some get so offended when people ask used prices on forums . If you have sold or seen an item sold that someone inquires about just state the price .
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