Feedback through turntable

My system consists of a McIntosh C2300 preamp, MC452 amp, MCD500 SACD player, VPI Aries 3D with Ortofon Cadenza MC cartridge, Manley ChinookSE phono stage, PS Audio P5, Sonus faber Cremona Auditor M speakers and REL B1 Sub bass system.  My issue is with turntable use only; SACD has no issues.  On my pre when volume is +55 (peak at 45watts) I start to get feedback through the turntable - a sort of low freq sound, back off volume and it goes away.  My Auditor M speaker is about 3 ft away and in front of turntable.  I do have a rumble filter (KAB) installed between preamp and phonostage to help with sub woofer pumping.  Due to room layout I cannot rearrange the setup/move turntable.  My turntable is on a 2.5" block of wood and that sits on 4 isolation blocks via spiked feet.  Any thoughts how I can eliminate this problem?  Harry Weisfeld with VPI states he has 4 15" woofers (JBL Everest) near his Prime Signature setup with no issues at all.  Why am I having this problem and how can I eliminate it?  Thank you in advance for all feedback.
"in my 30 + decades in audio".

Slaw, you are the audio Rock of Ages. What was your system like before the discovery of electricity?  ;>) Kidding!

Totem395 2-21-2017
Does the the issue arise even when not using the sub?
Miner42, I don't think this question has been answered.  Also, where is the sub located relative to the turntable and relative to nearby walls, and what is its rolloff frequency set to?

-- Al

Good stuff Slaw. I want to get rid of the last of the rubber in my system, the inner tubes in the original Seismic platforms. I have been planning on getting some of Geoffs springs, and perhaps some of the current Townshend Seismic Pods. I find the Pods more than a little overpriced, but what else is new?!

I too had a VPI HW-19, and considered it about as good as a suspended-subchassis design could go. But you're right---that MDF platform was it's weakness. I never heard the later acrylic version, having moved on to the Townshend Rock table, which certainly doesn't have THAT problem!


Thanks for the laugh! ( of coarse I meant (3) decades). I'm glad all of you are willing to put up with me, most of the time.

Happy listening.
@slaw would you recommend springs instead? I'm not willing to drop a lot of coin, so switching to springs seems like something I'd be willing to try. Any recommendations?