B&W 'New' 800 Series

I've reviewed the TAS Factory Tour and the 802 D3 details and am impressed with all improvements; and the common sense used.
I also find the new styling very intelligent related to dispersion. Comments?
Reviewing the videos on the B&W website the ultra refined construction
techniques appear extremely well thought out and executed. I find it impressive.
From what I am hearing from folks in whose ears I trust that have listened to the 800 D3 extensively, the opinion is that 800 D3s are "giant killers" surpassing designs costing in high six figures..... Proper break - in and speaker cables are the key as well as the appropriate amplifier .... None of Classe, Mac, rotel, Bryston & other mediocre & bland amps.... Cardas golden cross appears to be a great match as are Magnan Type 4s, both in true bi wire mode, without usage of the jumpers on its terminals... FM Acoustics are apparently great on these as are german Symphonic Line monoblocks, solid state...Tube side: Mastersound tube monoblocks and VTL EL-34s & Manley monoblocks and Jadis monoblocks  & PA150 appear to give be great sonic match.... The only store in the NY tri state area that has 800D3s is the Stereo Exchange, so I ll go and will give them a brief audition sometime next week,....
Also apparently some folks in Europe modify their crossover to the much better sonic results
Kot - I was in Stereo exchange over the weekend and didn't see the 800s there - They're in the process of moving, so perhaps they've already been packed up?  Their listening rooms were all pretty sparse and even blocked off from the public.

Too bad since as an original N800 owner, these are a very logical upgrade and I'd love to give them a listen and see if they live up to the high expectations.

Stereo Exchange was moving?!!!!! Really!!!??? Where? I think they own the whole building.... Wow, its either things must be moving really slow for them , or they decided to sell their most lucrative location in SOHO...

I would think they keep the 800D3 in their showroom ZERO.. Did you ask to listen to them? I ve seen the new 802& 803s there as soon as those came out.... Their main listening rooms usually are locked and blocked from the public , you have to ask for a demo...